The Arts Council of Pakistan, in collaboration with HalqaFikr-o-Nazar, orchestrated a poignant “Mahfil-e-Naat-o-Iftar” at HaseenaMoin Hall, paying homage to the soul of the revered poet KhursheedIqbalHaider, celebrated for his profound literary contributions.
The event witnessed the gracious presence of numerous dignitaries and artists. Among the distinguished guests was RizwanaShahid, who graced the occasion as the guest of honor, alongside esteemed naat reciters including Al-Hajj NasirYameen, Syed MoinFareed, Waqar Ahmed Attari, ZakaullahZaka, Almas Nayab, Noreen Afzal, NailaSeemi, and Sana Ali Taj, who eloquently presented verses in praise of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Dr. Professor SajidaParveen illuminated the virtues of Ramadan, while the role of moderator was adeptly handled by Dr. Farhana
Owais. ShahidaKhursheedKanwal, Chairperson of the Intellectual Circle, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, underscoring that the annual event honoring KhursheedIqbalHaider epitomizes his enduring legacy.
Notable attendees included former Council General of Japan AzmatAtaka, AsifaAtaka, DurshehwarNisar, Rani Apa, Professor Sultan Ahmed, NadimHashmi, ShaistaBukhari, Abdul Basit, ShahidMahiuddin, Farah Khayal, ShahidMahmoodShahid, Engineer Muhammad Faizan Khan, Anmol, Haya, NaumanKhursheedHaider, Muhammad WaseemAbbasi, and Fatima Khan. The ceremony culminated with a heartfelt supplication for peace and prosperity, emblematic of the unity and spirituality prevailing throughout the gathering.