Punjab Chief Secretary Jawwad Rafique Malik has directed that sale of sugar at Rs 70 per kg be ensured in all the districts of the province and stern action be taken in case of overcharging.
In the orders issued to all deputy commissioners, the chief secretary said that the sale of sugar above the fixed price in any district would not be allowed. Any negligence on the part of the administration is intolerable in providing relief to the people, he added.
He said that shopkeepers would sell sugar to consumers at Rs 70 per kg, adding that instructions have been issued to the sugar mills to extend full cooperation for the uninterrupted supply of the commodity and its availability at shops at the fixed rate.
He said that for uninterrupted supply, the Food Department would allot districts to the sugar mills.
He said that shopkeepers would sell sugar to consumers at Rs 70 per kg, adding that instructions have been issued to the sugar mills to extend full cooperation for the uninterrupted supply of the commodity and its availability at shops at the fixed rate.