IT IS really unfortunate that the decisions taken by the highest decision- making body such as the Federal Cabinet are not given any ear by the ministries which really shows the state of affairs in our country. It would not be wrong to say that the existing lot of senior bureaucracy is one of the key stumbling blocks to smooth functioning of the government.
This is something that has also irked Prime Minister who on Saturday for the second time issued a red letter to the sixteen ministries for delay in implementation of the previously given orders by the Cabinet. The ministries and their respective divisions were reportedly supposed to provide a list of positions lying vacant at all the levels to the Federal Public Service Commission for framing or updating of the recruitment rules. They were also to provide a list of officials eligible for promotion but not being promoted due to various reasons. In fact this was not a mammoth task that was given to the ministries as such type of lists are mostly kept updated and in case they were not available these could be prepared in a matter of couple of days. If our ministries cannot perform such small tasks in the given timeframe, then what can be expected from them in execution and implementation of mega projects? If Prime Minister Imran Khan and his team are really interested to fulfil their election manifesto, it has to put the house in order. A few months back a proposal was floated to induct highly qualified professionals of relevant fields in top positions into federal ministries on the pattern of the under-secretaries in the United States, to improve efficiency and out of the government. Though it met resistance from the top bureaucracy but we will suggest the PM to go ahead with the induction of technical experts in the ministries to deliver on his vision and targets. This can be given legal cover by bringing amendments in the relevant legal scheme of things and rules of business.