The local authorities on Thursday have completely de-sealed the Islamabad’s Bhara Kahu area that was closed due to the outbreak of coronavirus. According to details, all the streets and mosques in the area have been opened after decrease in coronavirus cases. The residents have also been permitted to go to their houses. In the second phase, the authorities have decided to de-seal Shahzad Town. On the other hand, Pakistan has reported 63 deaths from novel coronavirus while the total number of cases has surged to 4322. 2,171 patients have been tested positive for the epidemic in Punjab, 1036 in Sindh, 560 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 213 in GilgitBaltistan, 212 in Balochistan, 102 in Islamabad and 28 inAzad Kashmir. So far, 572 patients have recovered in the country while 25 are in critical condition.