Kashmiri representative, Syed Manzoor Ahmed Shah, in a statement said that he along with the Jammu and Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International (JKSDMI) Chairman, Raja Najabat Hussain and its office bearers met Member of British parliament, Tracy Brabin, Councillor Yasmeen Dar and Councillor Kaneez, at Bartley in UK and apprised them about the prevailing situation of occupied Kashmir.
Syed Manzoor Ahmed Shah addressing a reception at Bartley in UK said that the Indian forces were committing the worst human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.
He said that he informed the audience about the impacts of scrapping of Kashmir’s special status and dividing it into two union territories by India and said that the move was aimed at changing demography of occupied Kashmir.
Syed Manzoor Ahmed Shah also apprised them of the molestation and miseries of Kashmiri women at the hands of Indian forces and provided them the data of killings during the siege and communications blockade in occupied Kashmir since August 05, 2019.
He said that MP, Tracy Brabin, Councillor Yasmeen Dar and Councillor Kaneez promised to intensify their campaign of formal and public diplomacy to raise the just voice of Kashmiri people for right to self-determination in the UK parliament, European parliament and human rights forums.—Agencies