Police on Friday claimed to have busted a gang involved in a fake documents scam in Karachi. The arrests of Khalil Ahmed alias Asif, Raees Ahmed and Chand were made by Shara-e-Noor Jahan police.
Police said that Khalil Ahmed was the ringleader and had been arrested several times in the past in various cases of crimes, including murders and robberies. They claimed to have seized fake documents of plots and over 200 stamps of government institutions, courts, banks and deputy commissioners.The gang also provided fake CNICs to Taliban operatives for their meetings with their imprisoned commander in jail while posing themselves to be his (the Taliban commander’s) family members.
The police said Taliban operatives used to get instructions about terror activities during their meetings in the jail. The suspects also revealed the name of Anti Vehicle Lifting Cell official Khizar Hayat for his alleged links with the criminals and said he provided them with arms and vehicles.
The suspects further said that the AVLC official also asked them for recce of some judges for punishing them. Raees Ahmed was said to be involved in making fake documents to facilitate land grabbers.