In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian National Congress has said that the au-thorities arrested the party President in the territory Ghulam Ahmad Mir, and General Secretary Abdul Majeed Wani, and disallowed them to meet injured party youth activists in Kishtwar.
The Congress said that Mir was detained at Po-tato Farm near Sinthan Top and Wani was detained at Thathri.
In a statement, the Congress said that senior leaders and former legislators of the party strongly condemned the authorities’ action of detaining Ghu-lam Ahmad Mir and Abdul Majeed Wani, barring them to enter Kishtwar district, where scores of youth Congress activists were injured in a police lathi-charge.
Youth Congress Activists were peacefully pro-testing against the Indian government’s wrong poli-cies, but were responded with brute force with the result scores of activists received grievous injuries, said the statement.—KMS