Staff Reporter
More than 400 contract employees of Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) Lahore have been regularized.
Minister for Housing & Urban Development Punjab Mian Mahmood-ul-Rasheed distributed regularization letters among the contract employees during a ceremony held at WASA Head Office
.Vice Chairman Sheikh Imtiaz Mahmood, Managing Director Syed Zahid Aziz, DMD Muhammad Tanveer and other concerned officers were also present onthis occasion.
Mian Mahmood-ul-Rasheed congratulated the employees and gave the credit to VC and MD WASA of regularizing the service of contract employees from BPS 1 to 15 in 13 different categories.
He further stated that WASA menegemnt is taking effective measures for the betterment and welfare of the employees.
He said that in the past decisions of recruitment and promotion were taken on the basis of the lists prepared by political leaders .
He said that PTI government instead of “dang-tapao-policy” promoted merit and transparency in the public offices and WASA is the best example of this fact.
He lauded the efforts of WASA Lahore in providing sanitation and drainage facilities to the Lahorites during the last 3 years.
VC WASA Sheikh Imtiaz Mehmood said that in the past, it was the practice to dismiss contract employees on change of government and employees were made permanent through bribery. The incumbent government has eliminated this practice and adopted a merit-based policy for the strengthening of the institutions. Transparency has also been adopted while regularizing the services of 400 employees.