Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.
Fungal infections in Pakistan
A fungal infection is a kind of disease which is spreading in Pakistan with each passing day. Lack of immunity, poor personal hygiene and improper use of drugs are the main causes of fungal diseases. According to a report three millions people are affected by fungal infection in Pakistan, which is ranked the 14th worst country where this infection is immensely affecting the people.
It has been proved beyond doubt that fungal infection can affect anyone because they are some serious diseases which come due to fungal infections like TB, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, asthma and cancer. More than 3.28 million Pakistanis are living with fungal infection. It is the responsibility of government to take worthwhile measures against this monster because it is spreading rapidly in Pakistan.
Challenges to education
PAKISTAN is the country that faces a wide range of issues. It has economic crisis, energy sector suffers from looming threats of low generation of power, social issues also are quite growing at a rapid pace. In Pakistani society the most haunting issues are: robbery, snatching, rape cases, corruption and inflation to name a few. However, the state of education is the most crippling and a serious matter to be handled with effective measures.
There is consensus that education determines the future of a nation. It smoothens the way to progress. Nonetheless, in our country literacy rate barely touches 65%. As those graduates who hold Master degree don’t have understanding of what they have studied in the areas of their respective fields. The lack of suitable educational environment in rural areas hinders students to come up to the challenges of the 21st century. These and many more issues are the prime causes of the decline of education system. For its improvement some suggestions are made:
Firstly, those schools and colleges which run short of infrastructure should be provided with sufficient equipment. However, after catering to the fundamental needs a strong monitoring system needs to be devised to hold authorities accountable quality education. The political influence should be curtailed from the educational institutions. The people with power exercise their influence to use institutions for their personal interests. This practice hinders efficient role of educational institutions. Apart from this, government should announce scholarships for students so that they can continue their education. Although education is free at school level yet many students have to attend schools covering a huge distance. Therefore, transport should be given to the students of far-flung areas. For the increase in literacy rate expedient steps should be taken to initiate adult training programs which enable them to read and write.
Additionally, the most appalling feature of Pakistani education is that both teachers and students have abandoned practice of reading books. It is necessary to cultivate the habit of reading. It is reading which gives manifold benefits. It increases knowledge and broaden understanding. However, teachers relying on unauthentic sources such as Internet and other secondary sources adds to the fabricated ideas. In short, education in Pakistan demands special attention. Government should held ministry of education responsible to play efficient role and enable institutions to provide quality education. The fundamental needs must be fulfilled on emergency basis and a new techniques of teaching should be applied.
Mariam Thresia is India’s 9th Catholic saint
With the canonisation of Sister Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan as a saint on 13 Oct 2019, India now has nine saints of her own. They are — St Gonsalo Garcia, St Francis Xavier, St. Alphonsa, St John de Britto, St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, St Euphrasia Eluvathingal, St. Joseph Vaz, St. Mother Teresa and St. Mariam Thresia.
St Mariam Thresia is Kerala’s fourth Catholic saint. The first three are St Alphonsa, St.Kuriakose Elias Chavara and St Euphrasia Eluvathingal. 13 Oct also happens to be the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima.
Mumbai, India
Kashmir issue
Kashmir has been still at standstill since the Indian occupation has entered a new phase on 05 August. Kashmiri people are in a state of disbelief. Pakistan has done well in highlighting the issue internationally. Human rights abuses by Indian forces are wakening world conscience. It seems that in all those years that Kashmiris have been making great sacrifices for self-determination have now jolted hearts across the world. This can also be a great watershed moment for Pakistan and its foreign policy since a part of Kashmir is controlled by Pakistan.
United Nations call for a plebiscite to be held in Kashmir so that people can exercise their right to determine what country they want to be a part of, and Indian side has clearly denied this right to Kashmiris. Pakistani stacks are certainly high with Kashmiris now so it can take a lead and hold plebiscite in Pakistani controlled Kashmir. It looks a wall writing that Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir and GB will overwhelmingly vote in favour of Pakistan and would become a legitimate part of it.
There cannot be any better moment for us to not only make Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan a legitimate part of Pakistan but to also put tremendous moral and legal pressure on India. PTI government must take all measures to bring India under pressure to give Kashmiris their legal right of self-determination. This will also be endorsed by international community since they have their observers in Kashmir under Pakistani control. UN may be asked to monitor the independence and transparency of process. Pakistan must act.
Melbourne, Australia
No proper signals
World mobile numbers with specially 0316,0314 as the prefixes don’t work properly at the Gulistan-e-Jauhar block 16 and 17 Karachi. Mobile signals inside houses there are found very weak and one can’t communicate with those calling.
This happens with world numbers in particular. The concerned telecom is requested to look into this issue and resolve it as early as possible so that we can use our mobile phones easily.
Rising street crimes
Street crimes in Karachi city are once again on the rise after months of hibernation. People are again threatened by Hell’s angels, that is, gang out on motorcycles. People are being robbed of their valuables both during the day and at night. Criminals are roaming the streets so freely, in search of targets, and even residential areas are no longer safe against mugging in the city, mugging cases have been reported on a daily basis. Criminal activities are reported to have grown like an epidemic in Karachi city threatening the life and property of people.
According to a report of CPLC, around 36,360 mobile phones were stolen on the streets of the city as of now this year. Moreover, 34,000 vehicles were also stolen during street crimes which include 21,000 motorcycles and 13,000 cars. Hence the law-enforcement agencies should take a decisive action to uproot criminal activities from the city, so that people may feel safe. Now Sindh government should give a task of rangers against uncontrolled street crimes in the city.