Chief Secretary Sindh Syed Mumtaz Ali Shah on Tuesday said that a number of projects have been launched for the welfare of the people in Thar including achieving Islamkot Sustainable Development Goals, Installation of RO plant in Thar, Model Village and other projects. He said this in meeting with a delegation of Specialized Training – Police Service of Pakistan (PSP), called on him, said a statement. The meeting was attended by IG Sindh Mushtaq Ahmed Maher, Additional Chief Secretary Sindh Muhammad Usman Chachar and other officers of Planning & Development, Finance, and Energy Department Government of Sindh. The delegation of Specialized Training PSP was briefed on law and order, finance department and mega projects of Karachi. In the meeting, Mumtaz said that power generation from Thar Coal is a successful project and power is also being supplied from wind corridors. He further said that law and order has been restored in Karachi and now work is being done on the city’s infrastructure. The restoration of peace has boosted educational, cultural and commercial activities in the city, he added. He informed the delegation that Rs.232.94 crore has been earmarked for 2246 development projects in the year 2020-21. With the help of international financial institutions, work on Karachi Neighborhood Improvement Project, CLICK, Karachi Water Sewerage Improvement Project, BRT and other projects are being expedited, in the Karachi city. The members of delegation said that very important information about the projects has been shared by the Chief Secretary Sindh. The delegation was presented a shield by the Chief Secretary Sindh.