In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the J&K Pradesh Youth Congress (JKPYC) staged a protest against the new land laws notified by the Indian government for the territory.
Led by JKPYC President, Uday Bhanu Chib, the activists assembled outside the party’s head office in Jammu and raised slogans against the BJP-led communal Indian government for its failure to protect the land rights of people of Kashmir.
Talking to reporters in Jammu, Uday Chib strongly condemned the repealing of the J&K land laws and stripping the permanent residents of the territory of exclusive right to acquire and hold immovable property.
He said that the move was a design to disempower the people of Kashmir further and put their land on sale for corporations. It is a daylight robbery of land in the name of integration, development and security, he added. “The amendments introduced in Land Revenue Act are unacceptable to people of Kashmir. The previous land law in erstwhile J&K State guaranteed by Maharaja Hari Singh gave full protection to people, which have been abolished in an unconstitutional and undemocratic way. The law now introduced was aiming to dis-empower people, which is not only unfortunate, but a serious matter and must be nullified to put an end to the fear and chaos that has struck.—KMS