Pak Sarzameen Party Chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal said that he would present the case of not only Karachi but the whole of Sindh on November 8, 2020 in Bagh-e-Jinnah. He asked the people to attend the mammoth public rally and become the voice of the whole of Sindh, including Karachi regardless of color, race, religion and political affiliation. The situation due to worst governance has become so critical that the courts are ruling to launch FIR against the DCs concerned if the masses suffered dog bites. The people are forced to live in the worst conditions, basic human rights are not available because the rulers are obsessed with opposition while the opposition is only concerned with coming back to power. The people have no welfare, inflation has broken the backs of the poor, no one cares about real public issues. From Karachi to Kashmore and from Kashmore to Kashmir the rights of the people are being violated, its only the public that are being harmed in the tug of war between government and opposition. The use of national security agencies for political purposes is a matter of grave concern. Kamal said the government deliberately uses the names of institutions to defend itself and says that all institutions are on the same page, giving rise to the perception that whatever is wrong in the country involves the will of the institutions too, otherwise there is no need to even utter the same page narrating. He said the opposition, instead of criticizing the government’s, has started criticizing the institutions, which is a matter of grave concern for the country’s integrity.