A court here approved the bail of two prime suspects, Junaid Khan and Waqas Rizvi, in the suicide case of a Karachi-based doctor-blogger, Dr Maha. The two men, who had fled the city courts after their bail was rejected, surrendered before a District South sessions court on Wednesday. The court approved their bail against surety bonds of Rs50,000 each. On October 13, Khan and Rizvi were granted protective bail in the case by the Sindh High Court. They were also instructed to appear before the trial court. Junaid and Waqas are being investigated in the death by suicide of a doctor-blogger in Karachi. The 24-year-old woman was brought to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre on August 18 night in a pulse-less condition, according to the hospital’s executive director, Dr Seemi Jamali. Her family brought her in and said she had shot herself in the bathroom of a house in DHA Phase-IV. There was confusion over whether the young woman was murdered or committed suicide but it was later determined to be a death by suicide. The Gizri police registered an FIR against Khan, Rizvi, and Dr Irfan Qureshi on the complaint of the victim’s father who held the three men responsible for his daughter’s death.