Pak Sarzameen Party Chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal on Monday said that in response to PDM eleven party gathering, PSP will make history on November 8 by holding a mammoth public rally at Bagh-e-Jinnah, the same venue where PDM held a rally last Sunday. PSP alone will showcase the true spirit of the public power and make the world realize the very fact that as we have changed the fate of Karachi in past, we have the capability and competence to change Pakistan too. He said that during the PDM meeting, not a single party leader spoke about Karachi issues. On the one hand, the PDM used Karachi for its nefarious political purposes. Karachi’s land and the PDM’s platform have been used to discredit Pakistan’s armed forces and the security agencies, we consider it as a conspiracy against the institutions of the national integrity. While on the other hand, due to his government incompetence; unprecedented inflation, unemployment and poverty has increased many foldsand when the Prime Minister Imran Khan repeatedly says that the establishment and the Government are on the same page, it seems that he is implying that unprecedented inflation, unemployment and poverty are increasing at the behest of the establishment and thereby defaming establishment. Prime Minister Imran Khan must stop defaming the armed forces of Pakistan and the institutions working for the integrity of the country to hide his sheer incompetence. PML-N talks about the honor of vote, a nonliving piece of paper but he has not bothered to respect living voters as humans are the crown creatures of Allah almighty. PMLN knows that vote will not ask for food, clean drinking water, education, medicine when it gets sick, nor will it need a vaccine for dog bites, but on the other hand, human beings will demand all the basic necessities that they require. Kamal said corrupt rulers do not want to provide these rights to the voters. The power struggle between government and opposition has nothing to do with the wellbeing of common man, he said. He vowed that PSP once in the power, will honor the voters; the living beings. “We strongly reject the slogan of the PMLN, urging the people of Karachi to throng to Bagh-e-Jinnah on November 8 to assert their rights and protect the future.”