Punjab Information Minister Fayyazul Hasan Chohan recorded a video message on Monday afternoon with a gun in the background.
The video shows the weapon leaning against the wall. It appeared to be an M16-A4 assault rifle. The minister was talking about the all parties conference held by the opposition in Islamabad on Sunday.
According to Chohan, the gun is licensed and he carries it with him and keeps it at his office because he has been receiving death threats. “I received a letter from terrorists threatening my life two months back,” he told a private TV. “There are three other guns in my office and all of them are for security and are licensed.”
He said the person behind the camera, who was one of his office staff, forgot to remove the gun. “I didn’t see the video myself because I had to rush for a meeting after the recording,” the minister added. The guns are usually hidden under the table in the minister’s office.
According to Section 11B of the Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965, “the carrying or display of arms at fairs or in gatherings or processions of a political, religious, ceremonial or sectarian character or in the premises of courts of law or public offices” is prohibited.
Defying the orders can result in the suspension or cancellation of the weapons’ license, fines and imprisonment for at least seven years.