Special Assistant to Sindh Chief Minister on Bureau of Supply and Prices Department Dr. Khatu Mal on Friday said that from the start of holy month of Ramazan around 9000 profiteers have been fined with over Rs. 11.3 million. Dr. Khatu Mal Jeewan said that more than 3800 groceries shops, fruit and vegetables sellers and chicken and meat sellers and other edible items across the province were checked. Over 660 shopkeepers were fined with around Rs. 11,00,000 for profiteering across the province during last 24 hours, he said. Special Assistant to Sindh Chief Minister on Bureau of Supply and Prices Department Dr. Khatu Mal said that in Karachi Division alone, as many as 102 profiteers were challaned and fine with over Rs. 460,000 while 23 profiteers were fined in Hyderabad with about Rs. 90,000 and 150 profiteers were fined in Ghotki with about Rs. 160,000 besides 490 profiteers from other districts of the province were challaned with imposition of fines of Rs. 387,00. Khatu Mal said that in Karachi Division alone, as many as 102 profiteers were challaned and fine with over Rs.460,000/- while 23 profiteers were fined in Hyderabad with about Rs. 90,000/-. As many as 150 profiteers were fined with Rs. 160,000/- in Ghotki while 490 profiteers from other districts of the province were challaned with imposition of fines of Rs. 387,000/-. Special Assistant to Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Bureau of Supply and Prices Department Dr. Khatu Mal said that complaint cell established under the department remain active from 9 a.m. to Iftaar timings. Citizens can contact the complaint center at 021-99244608 or email at [email protected].