The police claimed to have arrested 30,677 criminals including 5,945 proclaimed offenders (POs) and 3,556 court absconders from various parts of Faisalabad in 2023. Giving the details, police spokesman Muhammad Nawaz said here on Monday that the police had nabbed 5945 illicit weapon holders and recovered 3340 pistols, 163 rifles, 129 guns, 82 repeaters, 72 Kalashnikovs, 47 revolvers, 10 carbines and 13438 bullets/cartridges from their possession.
Similarly, the police arrested 4,112 drug traffickers along with 2074 kilogram cannabis (charas), 34.424 kg heroin, 234 kg opium, 310.65 kg Bhakki (poppy dust), 19657 kg Bhang, 2.354 kg ice, 51,445 liter liquor and 2,262 liter Lahan (undistilled liquor) in addition to unearthing 3 distilleries during this period.