SRINAGAR A group of 16 Kashmiri students, kept und er quarantine in Amritsar city of Indian state of Punjab afte r returning fro m their resp ecti ve educati onal ins titutes in Pakista n, has reached Srinagar. The students, mostly girls from Kashmir Valley, were sent to their native places after they tested negative for the COVID-19 infection. At least 30 students, mainly from north Kashmir and Sri nagar, are pursuing various vocatio ns i ncluding med icine and engineering in Pakistani colleges. The se s tude nts rushed to return home after spr ead of co rona virus but w e re put under i solation in Amritsar before being allow ed to proceed to Srinagar. While a group of 14 arrived in the Kashmir Valley earlier, this 16- member-group was the last one to return.—INP