Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.
AI & robotics in healthcare
I would like to highlight the transformative potential of AI and Robotics in Pakistan’s health-care system. These technologies have already proven effective globally in enhancing disease diagnosis, improving surgi-cal precision, and optimizing hospital management.
Adopting AI and Robotics in Pakistan can address key challenges such as diagnostic errors, overcrowded hospitals, data management issues, lengthy surgeries and lack of real-time pa-tient monitoring. AI-driven tools can enhance diagnostic accuracy, particularly for diseases like cancer, while robotic surgery can reduce risks, improve precision and shorten recovery times. Additionally, AI-powered telemedicine can bridge healthcare gaps in rural areas by enabling remote consultations.
To bring innovation to Pakistan’s healthcare, policymakers, healthcare providers and re-search institu-tions must invest in AI and Robotics. I urge all stakeholders to prioritize this transformative approach to elevate healthcare standards.
Via email
Your identity at risk
I would like to point out a serious issue regarding misuse of photocopies of Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC). In recent ARY news’ programme “Sar-i-Aam,” it was revealed that some shopkeepers in La-hore were selling CNIC copies for the sake of money. The team visited a photocopy shop near Lahore dis-trict courts and bought hundreds of CNIC copies. They acted to be customers and made a deal with shop-keeper. Another shopkeeper also confessed selling CNIC copies. This is dangerous for everyone because such documents can be used for crimes or other wrong and illegal activities. As a safety precaution people should always write the purpose of coping on it, like “For bank use only,” before giving it to anyone. Also we should avoid giving extra copies unless necessary. Concerned government departments must take action against such photocopy shops and keep an eye on them to stop this illegal activity. Protecting our personal data is very essential for everyone’s safety.
Turbat, Balochistan
Energy crisis
The persistent energy crisis shows inefficiency of present and past governments. Natural gas, a fundamental necessity for every citizen is unavailable in many parts of Balochistan. Being the largest province of Pakistan, it lacks this pre-cious resource. It ironically lacks access to this critical resource despite being major contributor to its extraction. It is important that government must overcome the issue of energy crisis as people living in Balochistan must not be punished to rely on hazardous alternatives which can lead to serious health issues.
Kech, Balochistan
Inflation surges
Inflation is significantly affecting common people lives. It is rising and making life increasing difficult. With food prices increasing by more than 40% basic items like flour, cooking oil and medicines are becoming out of reach for many families.
Despite tall claims by government inflation rate continues to be very high and situation is only getting worse. In order to limit inflation, government should raise interest rates, cut unnecessary spending and regulate prices of essen-tial goods. Supporting local production, reducing import taxes and cracking down on hoarding can increase supply and lower costs. Providing subsidies or welfare programmes for poor and stabilising the currency will also help ease burden on people.
Via email
Air pollution
I want to bring attention to alarming increase in air pollution in Turbat. Primarily caused by poorly managed vehicles, factories and dust particles. As a result of this pollution, many people are facing significant health problems. The air quality in Turbat is deteriorating day by day, making it increasingly difficult for residents to breathe. We are all contributing to this problem and unfortunately there is no effective system in place to monitor emissions from vehicles that produce smoke and harmful gases.
Government should take immediate action to address this crisis. We need better vehicles and dedicated efforts to help improve air quality in our cities.
Via email
Road accidents
Road accidents in our province have become a serious issue due to increase in population. Poor traffic management system has caused loss of life of many people. It is true that population in cities is increasing year after year yet due to lack of proper traffic management system numerous people drive recklessly, especially under age children.
Dannasar, Balochistan