AS Pakistan has confirmed the first two cases of the novel Corona-virus, with at least fifteen suspected cases still under investigation, the authorities on Wednesday appealed to the people not to get panicked while the Sindh and Balochistan governments as a precautionary measure, announced closure of all public and private educational institutions for two days and till 15 March respectively.
The affected persons, one in Karachi, and the other confirmed in the federal area, had travelled to Iran during the past two weeks where 139 cases and19 deaths have been reported. Soon after the breakout of the virus in Iran, our authorities had immediately and very rightly closed the border with Iran including the train service between Quetta and Taftan the other day clearly indicating that they are not off guard and alert to the threat. However, the Zaireen who returned from Iran before the closure of the border could carry this virus and this is the reason that a couple of confirmed and dozens other suspected cases have come to the fore. Indeed, Pakistan is the last country in the region where the virus has been reported since it took adequate measures in the wake of its breakout in China. Now with the right kind of focus and attention, we still can avert its spread and total breakout in the country. Firstly, it must be ensured that no illegal movement takes place between Pakistan and Iran. Those coming to Pakistan through air flights should be properly screened and the suspected individuals be quarantined. Definitely, the threat is real and our authorities cannot afford any sort of negligence as well as there is also no need for the people to panic but they should take the protective measures. Whilst we expect Iran to take the requisite steps especially restrict the movement of the people to the most affected areas, it is also for Pakistan to take guidance and assistance from China to not only properly treat the affected people but also avoid its spread. Since the virus has emerged as a global phenomenon, the countries especially advanced ones should pool their scientific resources together to find the cure.