“When we are dead, seek not our tomb on earth, but find it in the hearts of men.” Rumi
MAULANA uses love as GPS of God’s secrets. GPS is the astrolabe, by which the medieval people used to find their bearings to their destination, to figure out which way is north. This would set the course to their journey. Maulana uses this analogy for love (Ishq). He says, “Extreme overflowing love is the GPS of God’s secrets. If you want to find your way to God, you have got to learn to love people.”
“Human beings are the most difficult creatures to love. The puppies are the easiest, you meet them once and they are already bursting in love. Maulana says, “If you have to get to God, you have to go through humanity.” He walks into the footsteps of Ahmed Ghazzali, who says, “I can teach you about love as long as you do not distinguish between loving God and loving humanity. If you want to be as clear and refreshing as the breath of the morning breeze or like the sun having nothing but warmth and light, love everyone.” By Sufi tradition there is only one love a cosmic divine current that rushes from God and brings this world into existence. Maulana life however shows multiple facets of love, from meeting Shamas Tabrez, to loving his wife, his children, and his followers and of course the fountainhead of all, the love of God.
Humanity as one body: “I go into Jewish Synagogue, Christian Church, Hindu Temple, Muslim Mosque and I see one Sacred Alter.” –Rumi. Rumi says, ‘This whole world is but a house, whether we go from this room to that room, or from this corner to that corner, still are we not in the same house, but the saints who possess God’s jewel have left this house and have gone beyond.’Rumi sees humanity as different limbs of one body. In the world of today, the societies have turned egocentric, giving rise to barriers of race, culture, ethnicity and language. Rumi says,“We all are of the same origin, as we all come from one God, we ultimately reflect one transcendent reality.”God’s message to humanity can be compared to a waterfall, which gushes forth from atop of a mountain and once it comes down, it is divided into several different rivers and streams. All these rivers and streams are from the same source, which is water, but each has its own form,mountain, valleys or simply plains. This is how Rumi sees different religions. He says, “We can differentiate them in the realm of meaning, but in the realm of reality, in form, like those streams and rivers, they may appear different, but ultimately are from the same source.” Quran says,
“For each, we have appointed a law and a path and if God had wished he would have made you one people, but he has made you as you are so that he may put you to test to what He has given you to vie with one another in good works and to God you will be brought back.” Quran tells us if you do good deeds, youcan get closer to God. This is what makes his message very appealing. In another verse Quran says, “Only he will be happy who comes to God free of evil.” And our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “God only looks up to the quality of your heart.”
Both Quran and Rumi criticize Jews and Christians for their failure to recognize Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Prophet of God. Both Quran and Rumi also criticize the concept of Trinity, as it suggests the Ultimate Reality as One of Three. Both Quran and Rumi reject the idea of Jesus being the son of God. There is no real criticism of Judaism and Christianity as far as laws, symbols, rituals, unless they pertain to perceived deviation from the unity of God, the Ultimate Reality being one.The forms therefore are important to Rumi. He says,
“Grape wine is for the Jesus community, But this wine of union with the divine, Belongs to the community of Quran. If there are vats of grape wine and vats of this, Until you break the first, you never taste the second.” The essential message of Quran and Rumi in fact all religions is that in theological terms God is one and the ultimate purpose is submission to God or purification of the heart, because if you submit to God you ultimately become pure. Quran says, “We never sent any messenger but with the message that there is no deity but Me, therefore you should worship Me alone.” There is also a recognition that Christians worship the same God. Quran says,
“If God had not enabled people to defend themselves against one another, the monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques surely had been destroyed.” And even though Quran criticizes Monasteries as this is not what Jesus taught, but there is recognition that these are important as God’s name is celebrated there, so God doesn’t want these demolished.” Rumi says, “In every religion, the ritual prayer is different, but faith does not change in any of them. Its inward faith and orientation is all the same. And the fact that they worship God is our bond with them.” “God does not look at your external form and not your actions. God casts loving glances towards your hearts.”
—The writer is author of various books based in Rawalpindi.