The Sindh High Court (SHC) here on Friday adjourned the petition of Aafia Movement Pakistan leader and noted neurophysician of the country Dr Fowzia Siddiqui, seeking the release of her sister Dr Aafia Siddiqui whose life was in danger due to the spread of Covid-19 in the American prison where she is detained. As per details, a division bench of SHC comprising Mr Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Mr Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed resumed the hearing of the constitutional petition of Dr Fowzia Siddiqui and the government lawyer filed their comments, saying that the government has already been taking steps in this regard. The court, later, adjourned the hearing to May 21. Talking to media outside the court premises, Dr Fowzia regretted that the Pakistani government has not taken any step to secure the life of Dr Aafia Siddiqui. She said the jail where Aafia is detained is badly infected with Covid-19 and many prisoners have already died. She said other countries are seeking the release of their prisoners from the American jails, but our government is not taking any steps. She said for the Pakistani government only the lives of politicians are valuable while there is no worth of the lives of common people like Dr Aafia Siddiqui.