The unfortunate incident of May 9, 2023 has many repercussions for the state and society of Pakistan. Attacking the military installations was one aspect which military high command tackled very prudently, politely and unobtrusively. Nevertheless, in the name of so-called revolution, the lager agenda of the demonstrations and protests was creating a division and provocation among the traditionally peace loving people of Pakistan. The so-called slogan of revolution which was instilled in the mind of Pakistani youth had created an instant feeling of chaos and civil war like situation by the leadership of a political party.
Contrary to the sentiments created by the leadership of political party, the demonstration never aimed for the wellbeing and welfare of the people and state of Pakistan, but to create grounds for the rule of one man, the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Since the occurrence of this fateful incident, three debates are going on about this act of PTI; a) was the incident a revolution, b) was it a revolt and c) was it a rebellion undertaken against the incumbent Government and institutions of the state.
Indeed, revolution, revolt and rebellion are three analogous terminologies; commonly used in political science for different socio-political situations. There are variations in their dictionary meanings as well as in their theoretical and physical application. As commonly understood, a revolution seeks to gain powers or rights from an oppressive power, or to gain freedom from publically unpopular government. The term revolt is generally used where the people disagree with something like rules, or laws, and come together to show their disapproval. The rebellion on the other hand is used for a situation when some people rise up and fight those in power, usually on a large scale in a state or within a federating unit.
Nevertheless, all these terminologies have a larger context where nation, communities or else oppressed class struggles against oppressors and tyrant rule. In the case of PTI, no such environment existed in Pakistan at the time of happenings of these incidents and once supporters of Imran Khan attacked the military installations on May 9, 2023. Rather, the entire situation developed from April 2022 to May 2023 took place owing to undesired and provocative acts of one single party (PTI) whose leadership was adamant to create chaos in the country until this party takes over the power of Pakistan. Unlike the essence of revolution where people are at the center stage, in the demonstrations of PTI its leadership was at the center stage that willfully misled and befooled the masses to cause chaos in the country. Indeed, during the PTI rule from August 2018 to March 2022, there was virtually nothing to celebrate or to feel happy about as far as the masses of Pakistan are concerned. In fact, by the end of December 2021, there was general consensus among the people of Pakistan that, as a Prime Minister, Mr Imran Khan could not deliver as per his promises for the state, people and to change the system of exploitation, existed for decades. Indeed, as a political party, PTI had miserably failed to resolve the issues of Pakistan and its masses. Rather, things were made more complicated, undesired and exploitative through one-man rule having doctorial mind-set.
So much so, the party workers and MPs of PTI were greatly dismayed over the performance of their government and started openly saying that, one-man is responsible for entire failure, since he takes decision at his own or listened to only few. In those days, many of the MPs of PTI were ready to leave the party under various pretexts; a) dis-satisfaction over the behavior of their leadership, b) not including the MPs in the decision making, c) poor economic performance of PTI and d) poor foreign relations (foreign policy issues) of Pakistan. Nothing of the revolution and betterment was seen in this time period. It is worth mentioning that; revolutionary leaders have two sole agendas; a) upholding the interests of the state and b) addressing the problems of the masses to their satisfaction. Both these were missing under PTI regime.
As the founder of so-called revolutionary party and revolutionary himself (as he claimed), Imran Khan could do nothing while he was ruling the country with absolute power where institutions were supporting him wholeheartedly. His rule came to an end through a democratic process in April 2022, once his popularity graph had already declined to lowest. The American conspiracy for regime change and role of any one else was used to cover up his failures. Indeed, this strategy was aimed to revive the popularity of Imran Khan and PTI which was well deliberated among a closer circle. The people of Pakistan including the supporters of PTI were totally misled, betrayed and provoked publically against Pakistan Army, its top leadership and ISI, the premium intelligence agency of Pakistan.Besides, through excessive use of social media, and mainstream media, PTI and its leadership created a sense of rebellion against the government, state and institutions of security. PTI leadership constantly scolded and accused military establishment ever since April 2022. For regain of his lost popularity, PTI Chairman conspired against the institutions of the security and surveillance at the most critical time in the history of Pakistan. While PTI and its top leadership were doing all this, Imran Khan had repeatedly besought top military leadership for a secret meeting. Indeed, the whole campaign was aimed to regain the power while putting military leadership on defensive.
Indeed, the incident of May 9, 2023 was an act of rebellion by top leadership of PTI which was aimed to create chaos and disorder in the country. It was only a damaging and criminal usage of people against their own state and guarantors of their security. The people of Pakistan must not be deceived and provoked by vague slogans of revolution and revolt.
— The writer is Professor of Politics and IR at International Islamic University, Islamabad.