THE idea of equal standing for every individual has endured over the ages. The welfare of the community is intricately connected to the notion that individuals experience a sense of safety in their surroundings. This is the fundamental essence that shapes a community. The apprehension of oppression compels individuals to pursue assurance for themselves and their loved ones. Communities go through significant changes when people sense the looming threats of exploitation. In this context, the French Revolution offers a pertinent illustration. The French society embedded the aspects of unfairness, exposing individuals to ruthless exploitation orchestrated by their rulers, ultimately sparking a tumultuous revolution.
The societal transformation in England exemplifies a similar scenario. The endorsement of the Magna Carta emerged as a reaction to the persistent tyranny experienced by the populace. The people of England continued to undergo metamorphosis until they embraced a social framework grounded in principles of justice and societal well-being. Justice serves as the lifeblood of a society, akin to an essential oxygen supply. It provides societies with the necessary breath to thrive. In the absence of fairness, societies wither away and fail to progress.
Ensuring inclusive political structures is crucial for the optimal sustenance of societies. Moreover, economic equity catalyzes societal advancement. Economic justice encompasses the principle of impartial wealth distribution within societies. While this idea may be challenging to fathom in certain societal contexts, it remains indispensable for the endurance of communities. The concept of economic justice staunchly opposes the peril of wealth concentration in the hands of a privileged few. It calls for a society where individuals have equal opportunities for upward mobility, supported by institutions that champion their endeavours.
When societies deny individuals equal economic prospects, it sparks social tension between the privileged and the underprivileged, leading societies toward their demise. In the presence of economic inequity, institutions transform into instruments of exploitation and society becomes a breeding ground for widespread corruption. Individuals engage in the pursuit of amassing wealth due to the prevailing economic uncertainty that casts a shadow over society.
Additionally, the fundamental aspect of societal fairness lies in having a framework that staunchly prevents the festering of the notion that might equate to the right within society. The “might is right” philosophy represents the most insidious form of social degradation. It instills the belief that individuals can acquire anything and obliterate anyone with boundless power and immeasurable wealth. Such a societal framework turns communities exceedingly brutal, with power and wealth becoming the sole objectives for survival.
The affliction of “might is right” also sparks conflicts among different societal factions. It creates vulnerabilities in the system, allowing for the proliferation of social crimes and injustices. Navigating through such societies poses the greatest challenges for law-abiding citizens, as they are perennially susceptible to experiencing unjust acts perpetrated by those wielding the power to manipulate situations in their favour after committing injustices. The blight of “might is right” kickstarts a culture where economic, political and social injustices become the prevailing norms in societies.
The most perilous facet of such societies is the constant presence of potential flashpoints which can be triggered at any moment, inviting widespread destruction and ruin to engulf these communities. In actuality, disparities in the education, health and progress of different regions render societies susceptible to brewing social discontent. Uniformity in education empowers societies to experience exponential growth. It is not merely crucial for fostering social unity but is also imperative for extracting the utmost potential from the talent within a society. Equity in the health sector instills a sense of community belonging and significantly improves lives by providing relief in times of need.
Contrarily, social injustice encompasses the unequal distribution of these opportunities among individuals. When justice wanes, such opportunities become exclusive privileges for only a fortunate few within society. Social frameworks are constructed upon the foundational pillars of inclusive social institutions, which can only fulfil their purpose by prioritizing justice across all aspects of life. The advantages of ensuring justice permeates every sector of society are immeasurable. Justice serves as a natural deterrent against the emergence of criminal tendencies within communities.
The apprehension of facing justice acts as a restraining force, compelling individuals to abide by laws and remain within the bounds of civic life. The concept of human rights remains incomplete without the prevalence of justice in societies. When justice wanes, human rights violations become pervasive. The unsettling reality is that injustice benefits no one. Even those who exploit their absolute power and wealth eventually fall victim to injustice. History is rife with examples of rulers who employed injustice to maintain their authority, only to meet an unfortunate downfall, losing not only their wealth and power but also their identity.
Achieving just and fair societies is a formidable task, yet it is attainable. It is crucial to instill in our children the moral imperative of never breaching ethical boundaries, regardless of the circumstances. Emphasizing that there is no glory in exploiting others for personal gain is paramount. In schools and institutions, it is essential to teach that criminals should be treated as such, while the innocent deserve collective support from society. Furthermore, the evolution towards a true democracy involves allowing rational voices to articulate valid concerns against societal injustice.
A fundamental shift in societal mindset is imperative and the seeds of coexistence, respect and collective progress must be planted in the minds of youth. Efforts are required to fortify the moral and ethical bedrock of society. It demands moral and ethical fortitude to thwart the grasp of injustice from ensnaring the innocent and powerless in society. Distinguishing between right and wrong requires character. When a society forfeits these qualities, justice diminishes, creating fertile ground for those in power to govern and inflict the scum of injustice upon those who adhere to laws and regulations. A social contract binds us all to uphold the law. Embracing the notion that only a socially just and equitable society sustains its equilibrium is crucial. In the absence of justice, the natural balance of societies is disrupted, plunging everyone into the abyss of permanent decline and destruction.
—The writer is CSS Officer, based in Sargodha.
views expressed are writer’s own.