The Punjab government has chalked out a program to establish a modern paraplegic hospital in Lahore on the pattern of Paraplegic Center Peshawar. In this regard, Additional Secretary Punjab HealthCare Department Dr. Muhammad Younis visited the paraplegic Center (PPC) at Hayatabad, Peshawar along with a team of medical experts and other senior officials of Punjab Health Care on Thursday to establish such an institution in Lahore as well.
Zia-ul-Rehman, Chairman PPC and Dr. Syed Muhammad Ilyas, Chief Executive PPC, briefed the team on the background and performance of the center and apprised them of the medical services, procedures, various sections and the technology used therein at PPC.
The delegation also visited various PPC departments including Medical, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Clubfoot Home, Speech Language Pathology and Orthopedic Workshop established in Hayatabad Industrial Estate. It may be noted that the Paraplegic Center Peshawar is the nationwide largest and most modern institution for the treatment and rehabilitation of handicapped patients with spinal cord injuries and polio affections. Here not only the comprehensive physical rehabilitation of people affected by spinal cord injury and polio is done free of cost, but all the artificial supports and equipment are also provided to the patients free of cost.
The delegation of Punjab Health Department highly appreciated the performance of the BoD, management and staff of Paraplegic Center Peshawar.