As per directions of Inspector General of Police Shoaib Dastagir, Punjab Police under Section 144, is strictly implementing lockdown and instructions of Punjab government in order to prevent spread of pandemic coronavirus so that the precious lives of the citizens may be saved by reducing the spread of this virus.
Likewise, police teams under the supervision of DPOs are running special awareness campaign against this virus and steps are being taken with the coordination of health department and other government institutions.
The hoarders who are involved in hoarding of face masks, hand sanitizers for the sake earning undue profit from public are being taken behind the bars so that the difficulties of the public may be reduced.
According to the details, since March 16, actions have been taken without any discrimination against violators of Section 144, in this regard, 2454 cases have been registered. 4890 persons who committed violation have been arrested among them 1017 have been arrested, whereas 89 accused have been acquitted on warning.
Similarly, in action against the hoarders, police teams took action against them and registered 88 cases against the hoarders.
Upon hoarding, 86 accused have been arrested. IGP Shoaib Dastagir directed the police officers and unit chiefs that they themselves should supervise the actions taken against violators of Section 144 and lockdown and progress report should be submitted to Central police office on daily basis. He further said that action shall be taken against those persons who don’t follow the instructions of the government.
He further said that officers and officials deputed in fields on security duty should be high alert also ensure the strict implementation of instructions issued in the wake of pandemic corona virus so that they may also secured themselves.
He directed to district police chiefs that the field security officers and officials should be fully provided with face masks, hand sanetizers along with other equipment and if more resources are required in this regard then central police office should be contacted at once.