Four more patients who were infused blood plasma of the patients recovered from Covid-19, have recovered to health at Civil Hospital Hyderabad, top official of the health facility said. “Five patients of novel coronavirus underwent the passive immunization process at the hospital and four of them recovered to health,” Medical Superintendent civil hospital Hyderabad said. A patient, however died, despite undergoing the plasma therapy at the hospital, the MS said. Talking on the tally of coronavirus patients in Hyderabad, the doctor said that seven patients of the disease have been under treatment at isolation ward of civil hospital, while 20 other patients being kept in isolation at homes, health official said. It is to be mentioned here that clinical trials of the process is being carried out under the supervision of Sindh Blood Transfusion Authority (SBTA). Sindh Health Minister Dr. AzraFazlPechuhu earlier said that passive immunization has yielded positive results and initially 11 COVID-19 patients received plasma therapy. The Sindh Blood Transfusion Authority (SBTA) has also urged patients who had recovered from coronavirus to come forward and help the doctors by donating their blood plasma. Director SBTA, Naz Jamal, said that plasma therapy helps a patient to avoid assistance of ventilator.It is to be mentioned here that clinical trials of the process is being carried out under the supervision of Sindh Blood Transfusion Authority. Renowned haematologistDrTahirShamsi, who had proposed the treatment of coronavirus patients through passive immunisation, said that very few recovered patients are coming, to donate their blood plasma, which is required to save the patients.