Corruption is a usual mental process that underlines all kinds of unethical behaviors: Dr Naumana
Staff Reporter
Nur International University (NIU) Lahore organized an Anti-Corruption Day on 8th December, 2021 with NIU faculty and students. Prof. Dr. Naumana Amjad (Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIU) shared her views on moral beliefs and corrupt behavior.
She said that corrupt behavior among the members of a society or organization is directly linked to a phenomenon known as moral disengagement.
This means that an individual or group justifies dishonesty, deception and corrupt practices by justifying it through their reasoning and claiming that it's not wrong. Prof. Dr. Naumana stressed that this is a usual mental process that underlies all kind of unethical behaviors including financial crimes, violence, victimization, dishonoring and sexual harassment.
Anti-Corruption Day was observed with NIU faculty and students to highlight the hazards of the corruption for any society. NIU students also shared their views against corruption through their speeches.
Corruption is a threat to development, democracy and stability. It distorts markets, curbs economic growth and discourages investments.
On Anti-Corruption Day we all should promise to perform our part to foster ethical practices, safeguard trust and ensure no diversion of the precious resources needed for our shared work for development and peace.
At the end of the event, faculty, students and staff members hold an “Anti-Corruption Walk” within the campus while holding Anti-Corruption banners.
Nur International University, Lahore is a part of a multi-dimensional, social development institution Nur-Fatima Memorial System.