In a statement, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has emphasized that national unity is a must for strengthening political stability, which will guarantee Pakistan’s bright economic future and relief from inflation. He pointed out that economic recovery is tied to political stability while chaos would hinder the process of relief to the masses.
The Prime Minister was essentially referring to the activities of the opposition PTI, which is fo-cusing these days on rallies and protests to build up pressure for release of its jailed founding Chair-man Imran Khan. In this context, he added that rallies can be held in 2028, but now is the time to work hard to fulfill the promises made to the public. It is a foregone conclusion that the country and its people suffer hugely because of the unending cycle of instability as chaotic conditions have al-ways deprived people of the fruits of the bitter policies of the successive governments. It has been observed since long that the new governments pursue somewhat unpopular policies at the start of their tenure in the hope to provide relief to the masses close to elections but leg-pulling and violen politics prevented them from translating their welfare plans into reality. This is also the case now as the Government is aggressively pursuing its agenda of reforms and its positive impact on the na-tional economy is now visible.
It is but logical that people might benefit from this improvement in the economic conditions of the country but lack of political stability puts a big question-mark about the ultimate success of the ongoing strategies. We have been pointing out in these columns again and again that parties can and should differ on different issues but they must not engage in activities that could derail hard earned gains in the realm of economy. The PTI can remain relevant by mobiliz-ing the public opinion during the next four years but rallies and protests must be held within the pa-rameters of the law and the Constitution.
The focus on delivery should be a priority for all govern-ments and particularly so for the KP administration as the province is facing a resurgence in terror-ism and violence.