In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Chairman, Ma-sarrat Aalam Butt has welcomed the impartial narra-tive, adopted by the world famous Indian author and intellectual, Arundhati Roy, regarding the indige-nous and legitimate demand for right to self deter-mination in Jammu and Kashmir.
Masarrat Aalam Butt, in a message from India’s infamous Tihar jail in New Delhi where he is ille-gally detained, said it is an opportune time for inter-national community, human rights organisations, civil society bodies and above all the United Na-tions to block the looming Hindutva fascism and imperialism fostered by India causing a grave nu-clear threat to the world peace and prosperity.
It is worth mentioning here that Arundhati Roy while speaking about Kashmir in her recent inter-view with Karen Thapar said, “Why should they want to be a part of India? For what earthly reason? If freedom is what they want, freedom is what they should have.” She also said, “Kashmir may not defeat India, but it will consume India” and added that the way India’s values, principles, constitu-tional commitments are being undermined by its behaviour in Kashmir will eventually corrode and consume India itself.”
The incarcerated APHC leader referring to the interview given by Arundhati Roy said that she has exposed the ruthless genocide, trampling of the fundamental rights, freedom of expression and lib-eral journalism, religious freedom, arbitrary arrests and invoking of draconian laws.
The APHC chairman denounced the heavy de-ployment of Indian troops to terrorize the freedom-loving people of Kashmir and tarnish the civilized concept of rule of law. He said that Kashmiris are engaged in a strong resistance movement which cannot be defeated by India.
“The tenacity, valour and zeal and zest against the Indian brutalities displayed by the people of Kashmir to achieve their inalienable right to self determination is a clear message to India to shun stubbornness and a logical appeal to the world con-science to break its silence and facilitate settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions.—KMS