K-Electric (KE) has planned scheduled maintainence on Sunday January 05 at Dhabeji Pumping Station. Due to the power halt, Karachi will face temporary water shortage. On Thursday, the spokesperson for the Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation (KW&SC) confirmed that the maintenance will take place on January 5, 2025, with work scheduled from 8 AM to 8 PM. The operation will result in a 12-hour power shutdown, affecting various feeders linked to the pumping station.
Due to the disruption, the city will experience a reduction in its water supply by approximately 100 million gallons per day (MGD). Currently, Karachi receives a total of 650 MGD of water; however, the supply will continue at a reduced rate of 550 MGD during the maintenance period. The KW&SC has urged residents to conserve water and store it in advance to mitigate any inconvenience.
The spokesperson emphasized the importance of responsible water usage during the maintenance work to avoid unnecessary strain on available resources. The routine maintenance was requested by K-Electric’s Deputy General Manager for Grid System Operations to ensure the continued efficiency of the electric grid, which is crucial for the operation of water supply infrastructure across the city. Citizens are advised to take precautionary measures to ensure an adequate water supply during the temporary shortage.