Inspector General of Police (IGP) Sindh Dr. Syed Kaleem Imam on Tuesday directed the officers concerned to frequently visit the Complaints Centres and interact with the complainants and ask about the measures taken by police for resolution of their issues.
The IGP issued such directives after attending a meeting of the Police Reforms Committee (PRC) under chairmanship of Chief Justice Supreme Court of Pakistan Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa at Islamabad, said a statement issued here.
Sindh Police Chief while presiding over a meeting at Central Police Office (CPO) in this connection said to ensure timely registration of FIRs and to take action under Section 182 and 211 against those involved in registration of fake FIRs.
He said that cases of minor natures be resolved at the police stations level.
Dr. Syed Kaleem Imam asked the police officers to make their overall measures public friendly besides performing their duties with dedication and honesty.—APP