KARACHI: A youth who was injured in Karachi explosion succumbed to his injuries as his poor parents failed to deposit Rs50,000 before treatment in a private hospital on Wednesday. According to the details, one of the Karachi blast victims was taken to a private hospital where the doctors demanded of his family to deposit Rs50,000 ahead of treatment. The poor family started efforts to manage Rs50,000 to save the life of their beloved and in the meantime, no treatment was given to the blast victim at the hospital. The doctors denied him treatment when his family told the hospital administration that they could not manage Rs50,000. The hospital directed the family to shift the blast victim to any other healthcare faculty and vacate the bed. Meanwhile, the critically injured man breathed his last at the hospital. Earlier, a massive blast in Karachi’s Gulshan-e-Iqbal area, which had resulted in the death of five people and injuried to more than a dozen, was caused by a gas leak, the Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) said in a report. Citing an initial investigation, the BDS had said that it couldn’t find any evidence from the spot suggesting that the explosion was caused by explosive material.