SRINAGAR There’s an interesting story behind the 200- year-old Sufi shrine of Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani in Srinagar. Saleem Beg, chairman of Indian National Trust For Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), Jammu and Kashmir chapter says: “An Afghan traveller on a visit to Kashmir presented the then governor of the state, Sardar Abdullah Khan, with a holy relic belonging to the renowned Sufi saint Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani. The relic was deposited with Syed Buzargh Shah, a prominent Qadri order Sufi of that time. A shrine was constructed at Khanyar in 1806 A.D. from where the relic was displayed on various religious festivals. The shrine was enlarged in 1877 A.D. by Khwaja Sanaullah Shawl.” Beg said INTACH has a digital map of the shrine and it would give it to the government for reconstruction of the shrine on the same pattern. The wooden shrine was an architectural marvel of Kashmir and was covered with traditional Khatamband ceilings.— KMS