TARIQ SAEED PESHAWAR Chief Minister Mehmood Khan led government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that had made major reshuffling in the provincial cabinet in the first week of January and also expanded it , is likely to further increase the size of the cabinet this time with the inclusion of female legislators including those from the merged tribal areas as well. “Some three women members are likely to be included in the provincial cabinet and that will also include a female MPA from the merged areas (formerly FATA)”. Sources said adding the decision to this effect was made in the recently held cabinet meeting. The decision to induct women law makers either in the capacity of minister and advisor may be made in the days to come, yet , as the sources put, they may be given portfolios relating to women affairs to ensure the women empowerment. “A female legislator from the newly-merged tribal areas is also among the members who are likely to be included in the provincial cabinet soon”. Sources said adding Momina Basit, Anita Mehsud ,Maliha Akbar, Ayesha Bano and Aisha Naeem are in the race. However, the official sources preferred to keep mum over the names of the probables. It was also learnt that PTI stalwarts were engaged in lobbying to prevail upon the Chief Minister Mehmood Khan in order to get the lady MPAs of their choice inducted in the provincial government that has been under tremendous pressure from various quarters over the thorny issue of mega project BRT that could not be accomplished despite laps of almost half a dozen deadlines.