TURKISH President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has really proved himself a top leader of Muslim Ummah having the courage to speak in categorical terms without taking into account the political and economic expediency. Erdogan has always spoken unambiguously and in unequivocal terms for the oppressed people especially for the Palestinians and Kashmiris. Addressing the UN General Assembly session, the Turkish President once again forcefully raised the Kashmir dispute saying the burning issue needs to be resolved as per the UN Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of Kashmiri people. He was also critical of the unilateral steps taken by India on August 5th last year to annex the occupied territory saying the abolition of special status of Jammu and Kashmir has further complicated the problem. With these remarks, Erdogan has once again won the hearts and minds of Kashmiri as well as Pakistani people. He has proved himself a true friend of Pakistan for consistently supporting the country’s principled stance on the lingering dispute at different forums. This has helped internationalize the Kashmir dispute and unmask the evil face of Modi government. The very words of Erdogan on Kashmir dispute angered the Indians who as usually called it as interference in their internal affairs. This argument in fact has no basis whatsoever as Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute and there are several UN Security Council resolutions recognizing the right of self-determination of Kashmiri people. It is in fact New Delhi which has been infringing the basic rights of Kashmiri people over the last many decades. The oppressed Kashmiri people are also looking towards the leaders of other Muslim countries to speak in favour of their fundamental rights and against the state terrorism unleashed by India against them. A united voice of Muslim Ummah on Kashmir will definitely pressurize India to stop its blatant human rights violations in the occupied territory and move towards its permanent and durable resolution. The OIC has a lead role to play and it has to go beyond mere issuing condemnation statements. An OIC summit should be held demonstrating practical support to the oppressed Kashmiri people.