Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Taimoor Khan lauded the traffic wardens for performing best duties during EidulAzha.
He said more than 1100 jawans of the City Traffic Police (CTP) have performed their duties during the Eid days. He said that special arrangements were also made regarding the approach to cattle markets, said a press release issued here Sunday.
Seven special squads and 35 checking posts were established to prevent one-wheeling, he added. The CTO said that special teams were also formed against overcharging and overloading in Public Service Vehicles (PSVs).
The challan tickets were issued to more than 80 juvenile drivers to prevent fatal accidents. A comprehensive traffic plan was chalked out to maintain flow of traffic at public parks and recreational spots.
Over 284 officials were deployed for the convenience of tourists in Murree, he added. The CTO further told that more than 32,000 tourist vehicles were entered Murree during Eid holidays and awareness pamphlets were also distributed among 12,000 tourists in Murree. The CTP also provided on-ground assistance provided to more than 2100 tourists who were visiting Murree, he remarked.