Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah on Tuesday said that 66 new cases of coronavirus surfaced in the province during the past 24 hours. The Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah that four more people have died from the disease during the past 24 hours, taking the provincial tally to 35. The coronavirus cases have soared to 1518.
The total number of recovered patients in the province reached 427, he added. He said that 280 pilgrims in Sukkur Qurntine center have fully recovered and shifted to their homes.
“Only six pilgrims are under treatment at Sukkur Quarantine Centre,” he added. CM Murad said that lockdown is the only option to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah said that 1700 tests were conducted in rural areas during the last 24 hours and the results of tests will come out tomorrow.
Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah said that countrywide lockdown should be extended for two more weeks in order to stop the spread of coronavirus. Addressing a news conference here along with other Sindh ministers, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah said that lockdown across the country should be extended by two more weeks as there are reports that COVID-19 cases will increase in Pakistan.
“Coronavirus outbreak is a global issue and it has gripped the entire world, we need to realize that the COVID-19 has nothing to do with just one province