Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah appeared before NAB Karachi in an illegal appointments case on Wednesday. He was summoned in an inquiry over the appointments of 40 people in the provincial information department. NAB has claimed that these people were directly hired as Grade-17 officers and have been receiving salaries. When the investigating officer asked the Sindh CM about it, Shah said that he does not know anything about these appointments, adding that he wasn’t the CM when they were hired. The chief minister was at the NAB office for 45 minutes. The accountability bureau has also been investigating the Sindh CM in the Roshan Sindh programme case. The case is related to the installation of solar streetlights in different districts of the province. It is one of the 28 cases that falls under the fake accounts case. A Rural Development Authority director-general, turned approver in the case, told NAB that a contractor had given him a Rs90 million bribe and Rs70 million of it was pocketed by PPP leader Sharjeel Memon. Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah has been sent a questionnaire in the case and has appeared before NAB Rawalpindi too.