Health Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,Taimur Khan Jhagra on Sunday said average daily OPD per facility was increased to 62 and medicines availability to 90 % in Basic Health Units (BHUs) across Peshawar.
In a statement, Taimur Jhagra said that eight months ago, Chief Minister Mahmood Khan approved a programme to transform primary healthcare across Pakhtunkhwa.
“The results in BHUs across Peshawar were transformational. Average OPD has risen from 25/day to 62/day, as medicine availability has been increased from 39% to 90%”, he said.
He said that all BHUs facilities were being transformed and becoming better place to work and delivering better service.
“While there is a long way to go, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’ s primary healthcare system will set a standard for the rest of the country”, he said.—APP