The philosophy of Maulana Rumi (1207-1273)
IN Masanvi, Rumi narrates the story of Lalih Majnun. The King heard about the bewitching beauty of Lalih and…
IN Masanvi, Rumi narrates the story of Lalih Majnun. The King heard about the bewitching beauty of Lalih and…
RUMI as Prophet of Love. Rumi belongs to a tradition of spiritually and mystically vibrant variety of Islam, which adamantly…
“Study me as much as you like, you will never know me, for I differ a hundred ways from…
IF the purpose of life is to develop a relationship with God, to come closer to Him, we need…
THE Holy Quran says, “Raise up in their midst a messenger amongst them, who shall recite unto them our signs…
DOES the Holy Qur’an emphasizes reason as central to human growth? The answer is definitely yes. Even the Western Orientalists,…
QURAN says, “By the soul and that which breathes into it, its immorality and God consciousness and we are under…
ONE can ask a question, why so much carnage and bloodshed in this world. Why are we so susceptible to…
Attar remains as one of the formative influences on Rumi. Rumiis said to have met Attar, when as a young…
QURAN says, “Sa Nurehimbaayatena, filafaq, wafeanfasahum, hatayatabayana la hum, inulhaq.” “We (God) will show them our signs in Scriptures, in…
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