Advisor to Sindh Chief Minister on Law Murtaza Wahab said on Thursday that 340 new cases of coronavirus surfaced in the province during the past 24 hours. In a Tweet, Murtaza Wahab said that four more deaths have also been reported during the past 24 hours while another 16 people have recovered from the illness.
With 340 new infections, the overall coronavirus cases in Sindh has reached 2,008. The death toll from the novel coronavirus stands at 45. Advisor to Sindh Chief Minister on Law Murtaza Wahab said that Sindh has conducted overall 18,900 tests to date. The total number of recovered patients in the province reached 576, he added.
Earlier, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah reached Sukkur to review the lockdown situation in the city.
As per details, CM Murad himself drove the car and visited different areas of the city capital to review the measures taken for lockdown.
During the visit, Murad Ali Shah urged citizens to follow social distancing guidelines.