KARACHI Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Saturday warned the people of the province that 20 per cent of tests conducted during the last 24 hours have come out positive for Covid-19, which he said is the “highest average in the world”. In a video message, the chief minister said that during the last 24 hours (Friday 8am to Saturday 8am), 531 new samples were tested, of them 104 came out positive. “This is quite worrisome and the solution lies in social distancing and observing the lockdown in true letter and spirit,” he said. “This is 20 per cent of the total tested cases, which is the highest average of positive cases in the world,” he said. “Now we have a total of 1,318 cases in the province,” he added. CM Murad informed that six more patients had succumbed to the deadly virus till Saturday morning, taking the provincial death toll to 28. He said that 13 more patients recovered on Saturday, adding that a total of 371 people have been sent home after being treated at different health facilities. He further said that lockdown is the only solution to tackle the crisis, and appealed the masses once again to follow the restriction for the remaining days of current lockdown. “Even in the postlockdown period, people will have to ensure social distancing at their workplaces, at homes and even in buses,” he maintained. Murad said that the on-going lockdown was taken lightly by some people, which caused an increase in numbers in the city and elsewhere