Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening
all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.
Antecedents of the Holy Good Friday
Good Fridayisthe day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary. It is called “Good” because it is believedthat JesusChrist, onthis day, died for our sins and was buried for our sins. However, just two days after this Holy Friday, Easter is celebrated to express happiness on the resurrection of Christ from the dead.This dayis of utmostimportance as the devotees believe that all who are united with Jesus Christ by faith will be resurrected in the future. Good Friday is called Karfreitag, or ‘Sorrowful Friday’ in Germany.Accordingtothe four Gospels of Matthew, John, Luke and Mark, Jesus carried his Cross to the site of execution, called the “place ofthe Skull”, or “Golgotha” in Hebrew andin Latin “Calvary”. There he was crucified along with two criminals. Jesus agonised on the Cross for six hours. During his last three hours on the Cross, from 12.00 noon till 3.00 pm, darkness fell over the whole earth. Jesus spoke fromthe Cross, saying “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Then with a loud cry, he gave up his spirit. There was an earthquake,tombs broke open and the curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom. JUBEL D’CRUZ Mumbai, India
Daily-wage earners
Like many other parts ofthe country,the number of daily-wage earners is swelling sitting on roadsides in the federal capital Islamabad with a hope to get food rationing amidst Coronavirus lockdown. From the day the federal and provincial governmentsannounced that daily-wage earners and poor communities affected by the lockdown will be provided with food, such persons have also appeared sitting on roadsides which were not seen before and most of them do not look like daily wage earners, then who are these persons? The relevant administration and departments should dothe necessary probing so that money and food rationing could be given to the most deserving persons and families because we live in such a morally bankrupt society where cupidity reigns supreme and in such circumstances and situations eccentric and “much- aftermoney” characters also come on the fore. As a result,the most deserving anddaily wage earners remain deprived of. HASHIM ABRO Islamabad
Convalescent plasma
The whole world is plunged into chaos due to an infectious disease with no specific treatment. Scientists and researchers around the globe are continuously workingto find a vaccine for COVID-19.During these researches many drugs have been tested but none of them has shown any effective solution. In addition, an indefinite cure has been found and trials are taking place. The procedure is known as ‘convalescent plasma’in which plasma taken from a recovered patient is injected to a patient with the same disease. This method has been tested on one patient and resulted in his recovery in three to five days, yet experts still remain cautious. In Pakistan, the Sindh Government approved the testing of this technique under the supervision of a Haematologist to treat this virus by exchange of plasma. The initiative was taken by a recovered patient (Yahya Jafry), who willingly donated his plasma to the doctors. The result is yet to be known. Alongwith allthese researches and treatments going on around the world, as a citizen it is our responsibility to practise social distancing for the sake of a healthy life. It is important to protect and take precautionarymeasures as advised by WHO and the Government of Pakistan to contain this disease as much as possible. HAFSA HASHMI Islamabad
Expecting mother
An average number of newborns per day in Pakistan is 16,918, which means a large numbers of mothers expect and deliver.Many pregnant women are and will suffer due to COVID-19 as the facilities are slandered.Expectingmothers are almost ready to deliver and a handsome amount of new born babies are about to enter the new world with a crisis. Amother is said to be a superintendent of multiplelives. Hence, conducting the delivery in a hospital where Corona patients also exist is severely risky for life of both mother and child. Accordingly, the government should provide a home-based facility for expecting mothers in order to safely conduct the delivery. The health authorities should provide essential equipment to gynaecologists and their teams enabling them to operate as well as conduct normal delivery in the particular houses of expecting mothers.. MAHNOOR KAMAL Rawalpindi