ISLAMABAD The premier took to microblogging website Twitter and compared BJP’s leadership openly spewing hate against Muslims to the Nazis speaking about the Jews. In an interview, the top leader of the ruling BJP party Swamy said any country with more than 30 per cent of Muslims, is in danger. “We know where the Muslim population is large and there’s always trouble. Because the Islamic ideology says so. If Muslims become more than 30%, that country is in danger.” When journalist Isobel Yeung said his comments sounded like language of hatred, the BJP leader responded, “It is easy to call this hatred. I am being kind to them by not letting them enter India.” When Yeung questions him about equality in India, Swamy said Muslims are not an equal category. ‘There is no such thing as equal rights. Muslims are not in an equal category.” When reminded that Article 14 of the Indian constitution ensures equal rights for everyone in India, he went on to say that this was a misinterpretation of the Article, saying: “The law ensures equal rights for equals.” “Are all people not equal? Are Muslims not equal In India?” asked Yeung. “No, not all people are equal, Muslims do not fall into the equal category,” Swamy said. The full interview is set to go on air on Sunday. Among those who called out the BJP lawmaker was author and commentator on economy Salman Anees Soz, who said that Swamy “is a bitter man, wallowing in his own filth.” Vinod K. Jose, editor of The Caravan said that the CAA, the Delhi violence and the mass fleeing of the poor due to coronavirus “is the practical demonstration of this dictum getting played out in India?