In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian authorities have made amendment to the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Verification of Character and Antecedents) making it binding for fresh applicants to furnish details about themselves and their relatives since the age of 15 years.
Educational details, mobile numbers used in last five years, information of in-laws and details of loans have been made mandatory, to be verified by the CID Department of Police, for any fresh appointment in Jammu and Kashmir.
The amendment to the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Verification of Character and Antecedents) Instructions, 1997 was issued on Monday.
As per the new format devised by the Modi government, the selected candidates, besides being asked to provide information about themselves, their family members, including in-laws, will have to provide information about the mobile numbers used during the last five years, email and social media or web-based portal accounts and other details.
“The appointing authorities, on the receipt of attestation forms from the candidates, shall forward these forms with a covering letter in the form prescribed to this Government Order directly to the CID Headquarter for conducting the verification of the character and antecedents of the selectees,” the order issued by the General Administration Department (GAD) read.
The order said, “In case of receipt of an adverse report and on confirmation thereof by the State/Divisional/District Level Screening Committee, as the case may be, the appointment shall automatically stand cancelled without any notice.”
In case of stay abroad including Pakistan/AJK, the selected candidates have to reveal particulars of all places where they have resided for more than one year after attaining age of 18 years, details of foreign visits for the last five years, purpose of visit, details of host with whom he or she stayed.
They are also required to give details of personal contact with government officials of foreign countries, foreign visits of spouse during the last five years and his or her host, details of family members working in foreign missions or in foreign organization, including foreign concerns in India and abroad.—KMS