Punjab Finance Minister Hashim Jawan Bakht on Friday declared that public assets should not be privatized rather turn into profit-earning institutions for the state while the Board of Revenue should provide details about all state assets privatized under Privatization Act 2010 so far.
Punjab Finance Minister Hashim Jawan Bakhat was chairing 22nd meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Privatization.
The minister informed that a decision regarding privatization of Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park would be made in the light of recommendations of the Punjab Energy Department and analyzing its income and expenditure. He said that the committee on privatization should give its recommendations to the Cabinet which will take a final decision on the issue.
Punjab Minister for Irrigation Mohsin Leghari, Agriculture Minister Noman Ahmed Langrial, Information and Culture Fayyazul Hassan Chohan, Punjab Chief Secretary Jawad Rafiq Malik, Secretary Finance Abdullah Sumbal, Senior Member Board of Revenue Baber Hayat Tarar and other officials concerned also attended the meeting.
The minister observed that it is the government’s responsibility to protect the already limited provincial assets and ensure its utilization for making it profit-earning entities. The issue of the Solar Power Plant could also be discussed with the federal government.
The minister instructed that the BOR should consult with the Planning and Development Board and took help from Chief Secretary for completion of existing and pipelines land related projects.