The family of deceased Dr Maha Ali Shah has contacted the police department to seek legal action against three persons who allegedly forced her daughter to end life by shooting herself. The latest development in the death case has once again raised the questions about whether the young doctor was forced to commit suicide by some people. Sources closer to police department said that the family of the deceased Dr Maha Ali Shah nominated three persons for proceeding legal actions before the officers at Gizri police station. The persons nominated by the family include a close friend of her daughter Junaid, a dentist and another doctor working in the same hospital where DrMaha was employed. Her father alleged that a friend and two doctors used to harass DrMaha which forced her to end her own life. The family also claimed that she was allegedly made addictive of drug substances, added sources. Dr Maha Ali Shah’s sister alleged in the statement that DrMaha was facing extreme depression and told her many times for thinking to end her own life. On the other hand, the investigators have found no clues for any complaint raised by DrMaha before the hospital’s administration regarding facing depression due to her colleagues nor the detained suspects gave any statement to the police which supports the family’s stance, said sources. Sources closer to police department said that the family of the deceased Dr Maha Ali Shah nominated three persons for proceeding legal actions before the officers at Gizri police station. It is important to mention here that the family of the deceased doctor came forward to pursue legal action for the first time as they were earlier reluctant to seek any proceeding after her death.