Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Wednesday said that Pakistan fully believes in the supremacy of parliament for strengthening democracy and it also stresses the importance of dialogue for maintaining peace, development and solution of conflicts.
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar stated while talking to President Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Ms Gabriela Cuevas Barron called on him at his office on Wednesday. She discussed different matters including the promotion of institutional collaboration with the CM.
The chief minister apprised that the Punjab government has taken unprecedented steps for the welfare of the people. The government has planned a new city near Ravi River to overcome the city pollution and raise the level of underground water. For this purpose, an autonomous body has been established, the CM further informed.
The CM extended felicitations to her over completion of 130 years of the Inter-Parliamentary Union forum while Ms Gabriela Cuevas Barron appreciated the effective anti-corona strategy employed by the CM Punjab. Usman Buzdar also commended the services rendered by IPU President for the supremacy of the institution of the parliament.
The chief minister pointed out that minorities enjoy unprecedented religious freedom and the budget has been sufficiently increased for their welfare. On the other side, the anti-corona strategy, led by Prime Minister Imran Khan, has yielded positive results and government was successful in overcoming this virus in Punjab, the CM added. Meanwhile, steps have been taken to open educational institutions from the next month as line departments have played a commendable role in combating this hazard.
The CM further apprised that 13 special economic zones are being set up adding that work has started on two SEZs and the foundation stone of 3rd SEZ will be laid in Bahawalpur soon. The government has devised a plan to provide facilities to the people at their doorsteps and southern Punjab secretariat has also been set up. It enjoys administrative as well as financial autonomy, he said. Secretaries of different departments will perform their duties in southern Punjab secretariat and the people will not have to travel to Lahore for the solution of their problems.
The IPU President observed that the Punjab government is working for public welfare through the best policy and she is happy to visit Lahore, adding that constant contact is necessary to promote the bilateral relations. The CM also hosted a luncheon in the honour of Ms Gabriela Cuevas Barron and other members of her delegation including member parliament of Mexican Congress Mr Jose Ignacio Sanches, Senator Mirza Muhammad Afridi and others. Provincial Ministers Raja Basharat, Dr Yasmin Rashid, Ijaz Alam and others were also present.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar visited the residence of Federal Interior Minister Brig. (Retd.) Ijaz Ahmed Shah in DHA and condoled with him the death of his brother Pir Tariq Ahmed Shah. The CM offered Fateha for the departed soul and extended sympathies to the bereaved members of the family.