As many as 40 female students of Islamia Univer-sity Bahawalpur (IUB) have got scholarships of Rs 9.8 million from USAID for the year 2021-22.
While addressing the scholarship awarding cere-mony at IUB here Wednesday, Vice Chancellor Engr Prof Dr. Athar Mehboob said that scholarships worth Rs. 920 million were being given to the Uni-versity students, which include scholarships by fed-eral and provincial governments, various institutions and the University’s own resources.
It was informed that since 2014, USAID had pro-vided scholarships worth Rs 29.5 million to 263 female students. USAID has given these scholar-ships to female students so that they can participate in the social and economic development of the re-gion, he told.—APP